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Raising sheep scientifically understands feed additives

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Raising sheep scientifically understands feed additives Empty Raising sheep scientifically understands feed additives

投稿 by Admin Mon Nov 28, 2022 5:54 pm

Raising sheep scientifically understands feed additives 1669621276523884.png
Feed additives are a class of special substances added in the process of feeding, feed processing and storage, etc. Although their dosage is small, if some only account for one millionth of the feed, or even less, they have a huge effect and have supplementary or Balance feed nutrition, prevent disease, promote sheep growth, ensure feed quality and improve sheep product output and many other functions. The scientific use of feed additives can effectively increase the output of sheep products, improve the utilization rate of feed, save feed, reduce costs, and achieve the purpose of increasing production and income. Additives for sheep can be divided into the following categories:
1. Nutritional additives mainly include non-protein nitrogen additives, amino acid agents, mineral and trace element additives, and vitamin additives. It is mainly to supplement or balance essential nutrients, maintain normal physiological activities, etc.
2. Non-nutritional additives These additives themselves do not have nutritional value, but they can improve the health of the body, promote the metabolism and growth of the body; or participate in digestion and nerve regulation; or improve the quality of feed and products; or can increase product output, etc.
3. Health promotion additives mainly include antibacterial and growth-promoting additives, insect repellent additives, Chinese herbal medicine additives, enzyme preparations and microbial preparations and other additives.
4. Physiological regulation additives include rumen metabolism control agents, buffers and organic acid additives.
5. Additives for improving feed quality mainly include antioxidants, anti-mildew preservatives, silage additives, roughage preparation additives and flavoring agents. Used to protect and improve feed quality, increase appetite, improve feed digestion and utilization, etc.
6. Anti-stress additives include minerals, fats, vitamins and sedatives. It is mainly used for the body's anti-stress response and enhances the adaptability to environmental changes.
At present, there are various types of growth-promoting additives on the market, such as enzyme preparations, functional peptides, acidifiers, antioxidants, etc., which promote the growth and development of livestock and poultry in different aspects. However, each kind of livestock and poultry has its own growth characteristics, and each growth stage has its physiological form and nutritional requirements. Therefore, the premise of the research and development and use of feed additives must study the specific growth stages of specific livestock and poultry to meet the specific requirements. physiological nutritional needs. Similarly, each feed additive should have its optimal feeding stage in order to exert its greatest effect. For example, clenbuterol, which has been banned, can rapidly increase protein synthesis and reduce fat deposition in the late fattening stage. This also suggests that we have a huge growth potential that has not been tapped in the late fattening stage of livestock and poultry.
Most enzyme preparations are considered to be added in the early development stage of livestock and poultry to make up for the insufficient secretion of intestinal digestive enzymes in the early development stage and promote digestion and absorption. However, many experiments have found that adding it during the period of rapid weight gain of animals also has a good effect. If protease, lipase or amylase are added in time to promote the digestion of nutrients in the intestinal tract, the growth of livestock and poultry will inevitably be improved. Therefore, in addition to adding growth-promoting additives in the early development stage, they should be added in a timely manner in the later growth and fattening stage to meet the nutritional needs of livestock and poultry during the vigorous growth period and improve the growth level of livestock and poultry.
In addition, the animal body is a homeostatic system, and a single component cannot be isolated, so the digestion and absorption of various nutrients are mutually reinforcing and mutually influencing. Both theory and practice have shown that composite additives are easier to exert their effects, and even achieve the effect of 1+1>2. Different additives play a synergistic effect to promote the digestion and absorption of various nutrients. For example, xylanase hydrolyzes the xylan in the chyme to reduce the viscosity of the chyme, so that proteases and lipases can better contact with the substrate to play a role; if the functional peptide is absorbed and becomes active in the body, it can enhance Intestinal immunity and antioxidant capacity, so as to maintain good intestinal digestion and absorption function, and promote the absorption of nutrients.


投稿数 : 25
Join date : 2022/11/23

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